Hack Your Schedule 🗓️ Crush your Weight-Loss Goals 💪
If you want to see real changes, it's time to rethink how you spend your time.
Time is like the currency you use on your weight loss journey, and it has a huge impact on your success. As someone who’s been overweight and who’s been a healthy weight, I’d love to share a time-management comparison with you.
This is how I used to spend my time when I was overweight at 230 pounds.
Time Management at my Heaviest Weight
My time was divided into three main parts: Work, Recovery, and Sleep. Imagine it as a pie chart with just three colors representing each category.
Mornings were all about rushing to get ready for work and make it there on time. I went straight from Sleep to Work, without taking any actions related to my health, except for brushing my teeth.
Work took up all of my energy. I focused entirely on completing tasks, pleasing my colleagues, bosses, and customers, and constantly worrying about everything.
If you’re keeping track, so far, I’ve only spent time in the Blue category (Work).
Recovering from Work Stress
Whenever I had a break, like during a meal or between shifts, I switched into the Red category, which is Recovery. That meant I either mindlessly scrolled through social media to forget about work stress or indulged in tasty fast food, takeout, or snacks to comfort myself.
But as soon as the break was over, it was back to the Work category right away! There was no time in-between spent on anything else.
On my way home, I entered Recovery once again. I didn't want to think about work stress or do anything that felt like Work. So, I avoided cleaning, cooking, hobbies, or spending time outdoors.
Instead, I “recovered” by soothing my over-stressed self. I did that with snacks, delivery food dinners, and watching Netflix. Even when I hung out with friends, it was all about eating and relaxing, rather than doing fun or outgoing activities.
Sleep (the Grey category) was a necessity, and then it was rinse-and-repeat.
What Life At My Heaviest Weight Was Really Like
Pretty repetitive, isn’t it? It was also incredibly stressful. I felt like I was living in a short-term loop, since I didn’t have the energy to think about what I wanted my future to look like. Plus, I was really missing out on fun and purpose in my life.
It was a very defensive and reactionary way to live.
Fast Forward: Weight-Loss Required A Different Approach
When I decided to lose weight, I learned I needed to use my time differently.
I started waking up earlier and dedicated some time in the morning to plan my meals for the day. (This took a little slice out of the Sleep category, the Grey section). I also set aside an hour each week for grocery shopping and two hours to prepare a batch meal (which took a small slice out of the Recovery category, the red section).
Filling up my water bottles daily became a priority too.
A New Pink Pie-Slice: Future-Me Tasks
These changes introduced a new color to my pie chart, representing the time I spent on my health. At the time, I didn't realize it, but I was transforming into someone who made a commitment to spend daily time on my well-being. It was all devoted to small actions that were meant to benefit Future-Megan, who would be healthier, happier, more confident, and able to enjoy life to the fullest.
So, I call this new slice “Future-Me Tasks.”
The Missing Slice: Non-Scale Victories of Weight-Loss
The more time I invested in Future-Me Tasks, the more I saw calmness and pride creep back into my mindset. And as these tasks helped me lose weight, I started to feel more energetic.
This encouraged me to engage in my old favorite hobbies plus some new ones. I started going to work with the confidence to get enjoyment and fulfillment out of it (instead of being defensive, or focusing on what my colleagues or customers thought of me).
I was starting to see a fifth color emerge on my time-chart. The Navy section, “Fun & Fulfillment.” This is the most essential slice of all.
Now that I've achieved a healthy weight, I strive to keep that Pink segment of my pie chart as a top priority, so that the Navy section can grow.
Where Are You Missing Out On Life?
Take a moment to think about how you divide your time. Is your Navy "Fun and Fulfillment" segment smaller than you'd like? Do your weight and low confidence limit the growth of this important part of your pie chart?
Are You Forgetting About Your Pink Tasks?
Now, consider this: How much time do you currently spend on “Future-Me Tasks,” the Pink section? Where can you slice off some time to use towards those tasks, like preparing your meals, hydrating yourself, getting more movement into your day? How can you increase the time spent on the Pink category, so that your Navy category can start to flourish?
Do you need help with this?
If you need a partner to guide you through the ups and downs of your weight-loss journey, including changing how you manage your time, my 1-on-1 coaching program is for you.
Can’t wait to connect!