Rekindle your self-love. Rewrite your weight-loss story.
Join the Partake 1-1 Coaching Program
What You Gain:
A lower and happier weight, so you can say “Yes” to the good things that come your way.
Increased confidence and self-trust, because we’ll be working only on the changes you want to live with.
Busy-Proof action plans, so you can say goodbye to the stop-and-start-again cycle.
Freedom from the industry’s Diet-Noise, so you don’t feel tempted to change your plan everytime a new TikTok trend comes out.
Megan Gaul, a seasoned weight-maintenance warrior, as your Coach and Accountability Partner. I’ve experienced the pitfalls and struggles first-hand and I’m armed with the strategies to help you overcome them.
Hi, I’m Megan.
In college and in my early working years, I was in your shoes.
I was heavier than I wanted to be. I was eating in a way that felt destructive. I was mercilessly self-conscious. My energy and my confidence were perpetually running on empty.
The diet industry was so contradictory, and so overwhelming. I had tried plans and programs in the past, and they hadn’t lasted. Change felt impossible.
When I look back on my life at that time, I feel compassion for Past-Megan. She was desperate to find a better way to handle food, but she didn’t yet have the tools or the direction. There were simple changes she could have made, but she was too overwhelmed by “Diet-Industry Noise” to see them.
In 2018, I decided to tune out the “Diet-Industry Noise” for good. I began to uncover the short list of simple changes that allows all people to find a lower and happier weight. And in the course of one year, I lost approximately 100 lbs and built an incredible well of self-compassion and self-trust.
That short list of healthy actions I learned? I still do them every single day. They are acts of kindness towards myself, and that feeling of self-kindness is what helps me make them non-negotiable.
Because of this newfound confidence and self-love, every other facet of my life (work, relationships, and leisure) has improved too. This transformation is what pushed me to start coaching others to do the same.
Here’s how other weight-loss programs fail you:
They set timelines on your weight loss, causing you to scramble, rush, and restrict.
They focus on fast results over permanent results, which incentivize you to deprive yourself of your favorite foods.
They recommend changes most of us are not willing to keep up with, long-term.
They require you to set weekly pounds-lost goals (which aren’t within any human’s control).
They encourage you to let the scale number be your only source of praise and motivation.
They over-emphasize your daily weight numbers, which prioritizes fluctuating data points instead of long-term trends.
Through all this scale-hype, they waste your energy by having you hyper-focus on something you can’t directly control.
In Partake 1-1 Coaching, your actions (not the scale) are the central focus.
Together, we…
Document Your Vision: We set your outcome goal, where YOU define what success will look and feel like.
Lay Out Your Action Plan: We create action goals that will move you to your outcome over time.
Take Back Your Power: We refine your action goals so they are fully in your control.
Get Wildly Curious: We dig deep into your day-to-day life, and what holds you back from the actions you want to take.
Focus On Solutions: We put all our energy into breaking down logistics barriers and mindset barriers.
When you enroll in Partake 1-1 Coaching, you receive 3 pillars of support to enable your success.
1. Core Coaching2. Accountability Structure
3. Big-Picture Mindset Development
Here’s what’s included in each of those pillars:
1. Core Coaching:
•MOTIVATIONS SETTER: A provocative exercise where you’ll uncover your motivations for pursuing weight-loss, and generate a clear picture of what success looks like .
•WEEKLY 1-1 COACHING SESSIONS: This is the meat-and-potatoes. My goal for each of these sessions is that A) you are clear on your next steps and strategy for the coming week, B) you have challenged your thinking about at least one aspect of your journey, and C) you are 80%-100% confident that you can accomplish the strategy we laid out. I also hold you to your intentions from the previous meetings .
•METRICS TRACKING LESSON: Since you are working WITH someone on this goal, you will be held accountable to tracking the metrics that matter most for weight-loss. Usually that’s a food journal (recorded using a food scale) and your body weight over time.
•IF APPLICABLE: MAINTENANCE CALORIE ESTIMATE CALCULATION: This is only for clients who are tracking their calories, using a food scale, and tracking their body-weight at least 3 times per week. Once we have this data, I’ll walk you through step-by-step how to calculate your maintenance calorie estimate. This is powerful stuff: your journey becomes 100 times clearer when you know your maintenance calories and your preferred deficit calories.
2. Accountability:
•WEEKLY STRATEGY SHEETS: This tool makes your 7-day action plan is crystal clear (no more forgetting what you’re supposed to be doing mid-week).
•WEEKLY CHECK-INS: A 5-minute accountability form that you fill out before each coaching session. Clients share that this motivates them to actually DO the action-plan (not just say they will).
•EMAIL ACCESS: Email me at any time (I answer within 24-48 hrs excluding weekends). If your strategy isn’t working, if something unexpected comes up, if you forgot to ask me something, or if you just want to share an update mid-week, I gotchu.
3. Big-Picture Mndset Development:
•GOALS AND STRATEGY WALL: These are powerful one-pager tracking sheets that you want to keep all in one place (I recommend a corkboard, a vision board, tacking them to a space in your office, or in a dedicated 3-ring binder). This is how my clients keep the Big-Picture all in one place (so they don’t get lost in the weeds, and forget where they’re actually trying to go).
•DATA & METRICS REVIEW: (within the first 3 months) to understand how you’re progressing towards your vision of success, and to give yourself the chance to celebrate your hard work and progress.
We take the coaching in an initial 4-month chunk. This is the perfect amount of time for us to get some new positive habits installed into your routine, ones which will move you towards your weight-loss goal.
We meet once per week through video-call, in a 45-minute session. Make sure you can find a quiet environment in your home or workplace where you will not be interrupted.
We start with a Goal-Setting Session. This is where we clarify exactly how you want things to look different in 3 months, and what is motivating you to change. We discuss the logistics involved in hitting those goals, and what actions would move you there. We commit to goals that you feel fully capable of hitting, because we want to set you up for success and self-trust. Attainable Goals: that’s the secret to staying “in the game” long enough to reach your final happy weight range!
We agree on action-goals and “homework” for the week, formulated to build your habits one-by-one. We chat about what you have coming up in the next seven days, to make sure your action-goals and homework are reasonable and achievable.
We track your progress, notes, consistency, victories, and discoveries on your Goals & Strategy Wall.
We create data-collection systems like a food journal, average-body-weight-over-time, and even habit-tracking. This helps us use numbers and measurements (rather than subjective feelings) to evaluate your success and celebrate your awesome progress. This also arms you with the knowledge you need to continue towards your final happy weight, even beyond coaching.
We stay in contact. As a coach, I’m available by email or text for questions or problems that pop up mid-week.
Time Investment:
Direct Coaching Time: 45-minute sessions once-per-week, plus a little time spent each evening or each morning to update your Playbook and send your coach information.
Reclaimed Time: This is the time that you want to start spending on your health. For example, let’s say you envision your Future-Self always taking the time to prep breakfasts for weekdays. You want to start doing this on Monday evenings, instead of watching a 2nd episode of your Netflix show. The idea is that you are reclaiming some of your Monday time that used to be spent on Netflix, so you can start spending it on your health goals.
Don’t forget to account for this reclaimed time as an investment in your Future-Self!
Financial Investment:
We start with a 4-month coaching package. The total investment is $1,590. For further support after the initial 4 months, you may enroll on a monthly basis for as long as you would like support. Your rate is dependent on how many 1-1 sessions per month you would like.
For the 4-month program, you may pay in 1 or 2 installments. If needed, other payment plans are available on request. For continuing support, payments are processed monthly.
Can I try coaching with you, before committing?
Yes, you can!
I love when clients want to experience the coach process first, before making a decision about investing time and finances. You want to make sure you’re at the right place in your life to benefit from a coaching relationship, and you want to make sure we’re a good fit.
Scroll down & use the calendar to purchase and book your Trial Goal-Setting Session right away.